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发布时间:2012-10-10   浏览量:


评议人:徐晓新 屈智勇


SSDPP Fall 2012 Colloquium


时间/Time:2012年10月10日(周三)下午3:00~5:00 (Oct 10, 3-5pm)

地点/Location:后主楼2026会议室  (2026 The North Main Building)

讲座语言/Language:中文(Both talk will be given in Chinese)


主讲人一/Speaker 1:刘东华 (LIU Donghua)


The role of lawyers’ organization in case subsidy for legal aid: A study of legal aid lawyers in labor cases in Beijing, Ha’erbin and Shenzhen



个人期望是以制度环境与个人需求为基础的,而组织运作则是个人行为从动机到行动决策的转换枢纽。本研究以获取办案补贴为主线,考察律师从业机构在律师提供法律援助服务中的角色与作用,旨在通过发现问题,提出改进意见而提高律师从事法律援助的积极性和服务质量。本研究采用规范文本研究、案例分析与深度访谈法,收集了大量规范文件、案件材料,并在北京、哈尔滨、深圳三地律师、政府官员、法官等相关人员的记录整理编码的分析基础上。经研究发现,在实践中,围绕着办案补贴,法律援助律师的从业机构有传统商业式、Pro Bono公益式、NGO式与转付四种模式。每种模式中,机构的角色又不同于法律援助相关制度对其所做的原本设计,它们在案源的获取、办案补贴费用的支付与环境激励三大方面实际操控着律师的行为决策。而不同的法律援助律师的从业机构组织运行模式对律师的激励也各不相同。除了对事实做出整理与理论分析外,本研究从律师激励角度分析了各种组织模式的利弊得失,还参考国际经验,尝试提出改进思路。

The operation of organization is the exchanging pivot for the motivation into action decision of person whose expect is based on the regime and personal remands.  Following how to get case subsidy in legal aid, the research aims to the roles and function of the organizations which legal aid lawyers work in so that to enhance the positivity and quantity serving for legal aid clients with issues and suggestion.  The research methods include the study on rules and texts,cases analysis and deep interviews with labor lawyers, officials and judgers in Beijing, Ha’erbin and Shenzhen. It is discovered that there are 4 organization models in labor cases subsidy, which are traditional commercial model, Pro Bono model, NGO model and fee shifting model.  Every model is different the models from general law firms and the design in legal aid system.  The organizations actually control and operate the lawyers’ action decision.  The different model inspires differently on lawyers for legal aid. The last but not the least, the research analyses the pros and cons of the organization models with the views of lawyers’ drive and tries to put forward the suggestion on the reference of international experience.


员工评议人/Discussant 1:徐晓新 (XU Xiaoxin)

教师评议人/Discussant 2:屈智勇 (QU Zhiyong)