SSDPP Fall 2012 Colloquium
时间:2012年9月12日(周三)下午3:00~5:00 (Sept 12, 3-5pm)
地点:后主楼2026会议室 (2026 The North Main Building)
讲座语言:中文(Both talks will be given in Chinese)
主讲人一:郭泓 (GUO Hong)
A epidemiological study of smoking behavior in China
吸烟行为在近100年间在性别、社会阶层之间出现了规律性的变迁过程。解释这一变迁模式的社会学理论主要是布迪厄的文化区隔理论及行为在社会网络传播的理论。而这一流行病学模式对发展中国家并不适用,如中国。本研究集中回答以下问题:1、中国的吸烟行为在性别和社会阶层之间是如何变迁的?与发达国家的吸烟模式有何异同? 2、如何运用社会学理论解释中国的吸烟行为模式?是否还有独特的传统文化、社会结构因素影响中国的吸烟行为变迁?研究基于近50年间的大规模流行病学调查,描述中国人群吸烟的流行病学模式。通过研究吸烟行为在中国传统文化中的意义及其在社会交往中所起的作用,结合社会网络理论,从社会文化的理论角度解释变迁模式的特点。研究结论为:中国吸烟行为在性别分布、社会阶层的变迁、吸烟变迁的阶段都与发达国家有重大的差异。社会网络理论更适于解释中国的吸烟行为变迁。吸烟在中国传统文化中具有社会交往的工具作用,而且以伦理为本位的社会网络结构也影响了吸烟行为在社会阶层之间的传播。
A four-stage model is widely used to describe the cigarette epidemic in developed countries between men and women, and among the socio-economic status, whose explanations draw upon two theoretical approaches: one is distinctive class-based culture theory, another is social networks and social diffusion theory. This model cannot be applied to developing countries, such as China. Our research questions are: How to describe the smoking epidemic model in china including the gender and social status? Has the model any difference between china and western developed countries? How to explain the smoking epidemic model applying social theories? Is there any unique culture and social factor to influence the smoking behaviour? Based on data from large scale investigation, we describe the smoking epidemic model in china through a decade. We concluded that the smoking epidemic model between china and developed countries has significant differences. Social networks and social diffusion theory adapt to explain the model in china. Smoking has been deeply integrated with Chinese social interactions through the acceptance of cigarettes as a traditional Chinese gesture of goodwill.