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研究领域: 基层治理创新、人力资源管理、社会服务递送、社会组织建设  




研究着眼于基层社会治理创新的政策背景和国家建设宏大社会工作的人才队伍的战略需求,紧扣如何推动社会政策和公共服务体系更好地满足人民日益增长的美好生活需要这一议题,在社会行政研究领域,集中探讨了公共部门工作人员培养的专业化及本土化议题、职业生涯发展和职业认同问题和行为模式及服务效果问题。取得了一系列较为重要的研究成果,先后在SSCI/CSSCI期刊上发表重要学术期刊发表论文四十多篇(其中SSCI Q1 14篇),如Public Management ReviewNonprofit Management & LeadershipChildren and Youth Services ReviewHealth and Social Care in CommunityThe British Journal of Social Work及《社会学研究》、《青年研究》、《社会发展研究》、《公共管理与政策评论》等。曾主持和参与国家社科基金, 教育部人文社科基金等科研课题6项。获得社会学年会论文二等奖, 社会工作年会论文一等奖。基于当代中国社会发展的大背景,开展社会治理、社会服务、社会工作以及社会福利、社会政策等领域的科学研究,倡导政策优化,创新社会服务,培育跨界人才。



研究生课程:《社会工作研究方法》、《医疗及老年社会工作研究与评估》、《领导力与行为理论》、《Social policy and social welfare》(国际员工)


  1. 王晔安,兰菁,郑广怀.承上启下的公心:领导成员交换对街头官僚服务效果的作用机制[J]. 公共管理与政策评论, 2022,11(03):29-40.

  2. 王晔安,张心怡,宋雅君.学习型组织如何影响公共服务人员的专业自主性?——基于情感劳动和新管理主义理论的模型比较研究[J].社会建设,2022,9(02):73-86.

  3. 王晔安,郑广怀,刘海娟,:高开低走 : 资深社会工作者的行业离职因素和路径. 中国社会工作研究,2021,20,206-231.

  4. 郑广怀,王晔安 & 马铭子. “以红领专”:社会工作者的专业自主性与国家的领导权建构 [J].社会学研究,2021(06):136-155+229.

  5. 王晔安 & 马铭子. 社会工作专业地位提升的机制——以健康社会工作为例[J].青年研究,2021(05):1-13+94.

  6. 王晔安,郑广怀 & 朱苗.职业支持:社会认同理论与职业认同的新维度[J].社会发展研究,2021(01):52-75+242.

  7. 王晔安,张欢,杨铃.国内与国际期刊中国社会工作者研究的特点与趋势比较——基于CNKI和WoS数据库1987~2019年的文献计量及知识图谱分析[J].社会工作,2020(03):96-108+112.

  8. 王晔安,张欢 & 刘雪. 区域不平衡发展、生态-变革理论与中国社会工作专业硕士提升策略研究. 中国社会工作研究, 2020(02).

  9. 王晔安,杨铃,张欢.中国专业硕士教育的能力本位与实践学习:基于104个MSW项目调查的实证研究[J].社会工作,2019(02):40-53+109-110.

  10. 张欢 & 王晔安. 底线思维与防范化解社会稳定风险. 中国特色社会主义研究, 2019 (03), 53-58.

  11. 王晔安, 闫飞扬,张欢,程激清.我国社会工作研究现状、热点与趋势——基于CSSCI数据库1998~2017年的文献计量及知识图谱分析[J].中国社会工作研究,2019(02):196-214+225.

  12. 张欢, 王晔安,耿欣.共享的动机和机制:单位向社区居民共享服务资源研究[J].四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2018(05):74-83.

  13. 王晔安,陶惠婕,徐月宾,焦健,余璐.老年社会工作机构服务绩效评估指标体系研究[J].社会工作,2018(04):99-109+112.

  14. 姜海燕 & 王晔安. 承认的作用:基于社会工作者离职倾向的实证研究[J]. 江苏社会科学, 2016,(04):149-158.


  1. Zhu, M, He, X, Wang, Y & Zheng, G. (on-line). Does macrosocial orientation matter in frontline social workers’ professional identity? Considering the critical factors of social work development in China. International Social Work, 00208728211031960.

  2. Zheng, G., Liu, H., Wang, Y., & Liu, J. (2022). Occupational turnover because of supervisors’ excellence The Paradox in the developmental path of social work in China. JSSWR.

  3. Wang, Y., Xu, S. & Zhang, X. (2022). Pull and push: the effect of social support and professional resilience on the relationship between correctional officers' cynicism and service impact. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology.

  4. Song, YJ., Lan, J. & *Wang Y. (2022). Innovation of social workers under different leadership styles: An Experimental Vignette Study. Research on Social Work Practice.

  5. Wang, X., Chui, H. *Wang, Y. (2022). Perception of Gender Equality Matters: Targets’ Responses to Workplace Sexual Harassment in Chinese Metropolises. Journal of interpersonal violence, 0886260521997452.

  6. Zheng, G., Lv, X. & *Wang, Y. (2022). Striving for Organizational Impact through Individual Impact A Humanistic Management approach from social work supervisors. Social Work.673(2),76-285.

  7. Zhang, H., Yang, L. Walker, R. & *Wang Y. (2022). How to influence the professional discretion of street-level bureaucrats: transformational leadership, organizational learning, and professionalization strategies in the delivery of social assistance. Public Management Review, 24(2), 208-232.

  8. Lei, J., Luo, M., & Wang, Y. (2021). Validating a model for indicating the professionalization of social work in China. Journal of Social Work, 22(3). 758–778.

  9. Zheng, G., Zhang, X., Wang, Y. & Ma, M. (2021). The Strengthening Mechanism of the Relationship between Social Work and Public Health under COVID-19 in China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(19), 9956.

  10. Zheng, G., Liu, H, Wang, Y. & *Chen, B. (2021). Organizational turnover because of lack of professional autonomy––The paradox of Chinese social workers embedded in the community. Research on Social Work Practice, 31(6) 662–670.

  11. Wang, Y., Zhang, H., & Wang, S. (2021). Achieving MSW Students’ Learning Success: A National Survey of All MSW Degree Programs in China. The British Journal of Social Work, 51(7), 2399-2418.

  12. Zhang, H. Jiang, N., *Wang, Y., & Liu, Z. (2021). Organizational justice, burnout, and turnover intention of social workers in China. Journal of Social Work, 21(3), 456-475.

  13. Zheng, G, Ma, M., Wang, Y., & * Huang, J (2020) Craftsmanship spirit or professionalism: The impetus of barefoot social workers to complete their task identity for protecting disadvantaged children in China. Children and Youth Services Review, 116, 105157.

  14. Zhang, H., *Wang, Y. & Yang, Y. (2020). The relevance of transformational leadership for promoting professional social work competence with EBPA. Health & Social Care in the Community, 28(6), 2243-2252.

  15. Wang, Y., Zhang, H & Yang, Y. (2020). The Moderating Effect of Professional Self-Care Training on Novice Practitioners’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior in China. Social work, 65(1), 45-54.

  16. Zhang, H., Liu Z. & *Wang, Y. (2020). How transformational leadership positively impacts organizational citizenship behavior in successful Chinese social work service organizations. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 30(3), 467-485.

  17. Wang Y., Zhang H, Feng T, & Wang H. (2019). Does Internet use matter in depression alleviation among the older adults in China? A propensity scores matching approach. BMC public health.

  18. Wang, Y., Liu, Z., Qiao, D. & Zhang, H. (2019). Transfer is not enough: A panel study from one international cooperative master of social work program in China. Research on Social Work Practice, 29(7), 832-842.

  19. Lei, J., *Wang, Y., & Jiang, H. (2019). A Comparative Study of the Turnover Intentions of Chinese Social Workers in Autonomous-Embedded and Dependent-Embedded Patterns of Professionalization. Smith College of Social Work Studies, 88(4), 329–348.

  20. Wang, Y., Zhang, H, Lei, J. & Yu, Y. (2019). Burnout matters in the field of Chinese social work-Differential predictability of the components of the Maslach Burnout Inventory. International journal of social welfare, 28: 217–228.

  21. Jiang, H., Wang, Y., Chui, E., & Xu, Y. (2019). Professional identity and turnover intentions of social workers in Beijing, China: The roles of job satisfaction and agency type. International Social Work, 62(1), 146-160.

  22. Zhang, H., *Wang, Y., Liu, Z., & Chui, E. W. T. (2018). A Quasi-Trial Investigation of an In-Service Training to Improve Social Workers’ Professional Competence in China. Research on Social Work Practice, 29(5), 506-518.

  23. Zhang, H., Gao, N., *Wang, Y., & Han, Y. (2018). Modeling risk governance and risk perception in personal prevention with regard to food safety issues. British Food Journal, 120(12), 2804-2817.

  24. Xu, Yuebin, Jiang, Nan, Wang, Y, Zhang, Qiang, Chen, Lin, & Ma, Shuang. (2018). Pain perception of older adults in nursing home and home care settings: Evidence from China. BMC Geriatrics, 18(1), 1-13.

  25. Wang, Y., Qiao, D., & Chui, E. (2018). Student Engagement Matters: A Self-Determination Perspective on Chinese MSW Students’ Perceived Competence after Practice Learning. The British Journal of Social Work, 48(3), 787–807.

  26. Wang, Y., Guo, Y., & Zeng, S. (2018). Geographical Variation and Social Work Students’ Job Intentions in China: A Geographic Information Systems Approach. Social work, 63(2), 161-169.

  27. Wang, Y., & Chui, E. (2017). Development and Validation of the Perceived Social Work Competence Scale in China. Research on Social Work Practice, 27(1), 91-102.

  28. Wang, Y., & Chui, E. (2016). An exploratory path model of social work students’ satisfaction with field education experience in China. Social Work Research, 40(3), 135-145.


1. 2022-2025. 新时代社工站振兴乡村公共价值的模式研究. 国家社会科学基金一般项目,面上项目,22BSH128,,2022-09至2025-8,20万元,在研,项目负责人

2. 2018-2021. 中国社会工作服务机构管理者领导力实践模式研究与本土化理论建构研究. 国家社会科学基金一般项目. 已结题,核心成员。

3. 2018-2019. 专业社会工作服务优化机制分析:基于服务递送者的视角. 葡萄京手机官网综合专项研究项目. 已结题,核心成员。

4. 2017-2019. MSW员工专业认同的跟踪研究: 形成机制和专业化. 教育部人文社会科学研究基金项目. 已结题项目负责人

5. 2017-2019. 不同发展模式下医务社工专业能力和服务绩效研究. 博士后科学基金面上资助项目. 已结题,项目负责人

6. 2017-2019. 北京市居家养老安全政策与老年人摔倒风险预防行为研究——以家庭适老化改造为例”北京社会科学基金研究基地项目. 已结题,核心成员

7. 2017-2018. 北京市临时救助制度实施情况研究. 北京市民政局调研项目. 已结题,核心成员。

8. 2016-2018. 中国社会工作职业化发展中专业能力的建设. 葡萄京手机官网青年教师基金项目. 已结题,项目负责人

International Journals reviewers

British Journal of Social WorkSSCI
Social WorkSSCI
Journal of Social Work SSCI
International Social WorkSSCI
Australasian Journal on AgeingSSCI

European Journal of Social Work(SSCI

Aging and mental Health(SSCI